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Simulating Jigsaw Colouring in Sudocue

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 2:45 pm
by Glyn
Hi Ruud

I've been trying to use Sudocue to provide some sort of colouring capability to assist with Jigsaw Sudoku, but of course one needs to suppress automatic candidate elimination within boxes. No problems here as I can just switch all eliminations off and do them manually.

However if you reach a stage where you try to fix two identical values in a 3x3 box Sudocue rightly warns you that it is invalid. Is there a way of switching this automatic checking off as well? I guess the problem is one might forget to switch it back on.

I've found a walkround by leaving known candidates as naked singles, Sudocue doesn't object until the player decides to fix the candidates.

Of course the addition of colouring to Sumocue would be the ideal, but there are only so many hours in your day.

